Understanding the Book of Revelation Part 1



There has never been anything close to unanimity concerning how to understand or view the book of Revelation. How ironic, since the book’s name shows its purpose is to reveal! The English word revelation, which is found in the first verse of the book, is translated from the Greek word apokalupsis, from which comes the expression apocalypse, which is commonly, but mistakenly, identified with end time events. The correct word for the study of end time prophecy is eschatology. So you can begin to see the problem.

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What is GOD’s Judgement? Part 1

Scores of scriptures depict God as an impartial judge who metes out justice. By definition, justice is what is right or as it should be. Today’s so-called social justice warriors would agree. All they want is for people to do and say what is right, as it should be. But the problem is that their standards are often in violation of God’s laws. That is why it is God’s prerogative alone to judge the sinner and bring about justice. The apostle Paul wrote, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19; NIV).

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What is Eternal Life?


The scriptures make clear that man is mortal, subject to death. By contrast, the Bible says God “alone has immortality” (I Tim. 6:16). These are basic and simple truths. The good news is: “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). When does God give Christians that gift?

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Should We Judge Others?

Let’s be honest, absolutely no one likes to be judged. It’s always offensive. Why? Because it implies that we think someone has said or done something wrong, and the hardest thing for a person to do is to admit he is wrong. That is why the proverb says, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes…” (Prov. 21:2). This is basic human nature. So why would we ever judge? The answer is that the Bible tells Christians that one of their major responsibilities is to judge.

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Should We Judge Others


Let’s be honest, absolutely no one likes to be judged. It’s always offensive. Why? Because it implies that we think someone has said or done something wrong, and the hardest thing for a person to do is to admit he is wrong. That is why the proverb says, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes…” (Prov. 21:2). This is basic human nature. So why would we ever judge others? The answer is that the Bible tells Christians they must judge others.

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Jesus Pentecost Message


Even though Pentecost is a word many Christians may have heard of, I do not believe most fully understand its meaning or significance. Yet it is vitally important that we do in order to grasp what Jesus taught the people in his hometown synagogue in Nazareth on that Pentecost so long ago.

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God’s City Census


The scriptures speak frequently about names that are written in a very special book, one that has several names, but is most often called the “book of life.” What is this book, and what does it mean to have your name written in it?

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An Answer for Sexual Immorality


Obviously, the seventh commandment, “You shall not commit adultery,” is the answer for sexual immorality. The scriptures make it plain that this command forbids any and all sexual immorality. Christians live in a world wholly caught up in an effort to transgress this law in every conceivable way, and as often as possible. On could arguably sum up the world: a preoccupation with illicit sex. Let’s look at an answer the scriptures provide.

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Harmonizing Ezekiel and Revelation

Ezekiel 37-48 and Revelation 20-22 are arguably among the most difficult scriptures for students of the Bible to understand. This difficulty can turn to frustration and disappointment considering that both passages are eschatological, and since everyone wants to understand end-time prophecy…

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“Laying on of hands” is one of the six “elementary principles of Christ” listed in Hebrews 6:1,2. What is the meaning of this “foundation[al]” teaching? It seems that relatively little time is devoted to the study of this topic compared with the other five, despite its deep and inspiring meaning.

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