Are We Living In the Last Days?

It seems every time there is a crisis in the world—war, famine, epidemic, earthquake, tsunami, ecological or economical upheaval, et al—a significant portion of the Christian world asks if we could be living in the last days. Christians have been asking this question ever since the disciples ask Jesus, “What will be the sign of your coming, and the end of the age?” (Mtt. 24:3). It is normal and natural to wonder. So let’s see what the Bible really says about this topic, rather than be taken in the by the teachings of so many pop eschatologists.

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Why Does GOD Allow Suffering? Part 2

Prosperity theology, sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, health and wealth gospel, gospel of success, et al, teaches that poverty and sickness are curses resulting from a lack of faith. In fact, the scriptures teach just the opposite. Christian suffering is a blessing which increases faith! Let’s understand how.

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Why Does GOD Allow Suffering? Part 1



This is probably the second most often asked question, following the one about the purpose of human existence. It always seems that few good answers have ever been offered as to the reason for suffering, even by theologians and teachers.

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Why Did The Jews Miss Jesus?

Most people would answer the above question simply enough: The Jews did not recognize that Jesus was the Messiah; and while that would be correct, it would by no means be the complete answer. On the occasion of Jesus final conversation with his disciples, they ask him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts. 1:6). This question gives much incite into the thinking and expectations of most Jews for the past 2,600 years. Jesus did not answer their question. Why not?

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What is Human Nature?

Throughout its pages, the scriptures take a dim view of human nature. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God declared, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9). What is human nature? And can anything be done about it?

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What About Tongues?


In some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples before his ascension, he told them that certain “signs will follow those who believe,” including “speak[ing] with new tongues,” or “languages” (Mk. 16:17). Among his list of the “gifts” of the Spirit the apostle Paul names “tongues” (I Cor. 12:10). What is the purpose of this sign/gift, found in only five New Testament passages?

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Understanding the Book of Revelation Part 3


In our last installment we read where the Apostle John “saw a beast rising out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns.” This beast represents Satan’s end time worldwide kingdom, mankind’s long-dreamed-of one world government. It is the “eighth” head of the beast which the great whore rides, the one which “is going into perdition”—utter destruction—at Jesus’ return. Next we read about a second beast.

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Understanding the Book of Revelation Part 2

In his vision, the apostle John “saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns” (Rev. 17:3). Whatever this Beast is, the woman is in control of it like a rider on a horse—she “reigns over the kings of the earth” (v18). Here is our first clue: the beast has to do with the kings/kingdoms of the earth.

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GOD Has Always Dwelled With His People


A recurrent theme is found throughout the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation: the people of God are described as camping in tents, like temporary dwellers living apart in a foreign land. Further, God has always been camping right along with them in His own tent. What lessons can we learn from this metaphor?

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What is GOD’s Judgement? Part 2


Does God judge His children, the saints? If so, then how does He judge them? Is there a lifelong report card in heaven, with a final grade at the end—pass or fail? Is Peter standing at the gates of heaven either welcoming or forbidding entrance? Sadly, some actually believe that ridiculous image. Let’s examine what the scriptures teach us about judgment for Christians.

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